This Halloween my plan was to dress up a mental patient - that is, until my friend told me she was going as that. It worked out, I was her doctor and she was my patient. Clearly I had failed as a doctor since she'd obviously gone crazy and chewed on me, giving me nasty sores all over. Yes. I was really pleased with the fact that I managed to put my costume together, and only used about $30! I soaked a XL men's t-shirt in tea, to give it a dirty look, and cut the sleeves of. The nurses cap is actually a vintage 1950's hat, which I covered with one of the sleeves I cut of my shirt. I tore the other sleeve up and tied it around my wrist, and splattered "blood" on it. I painted red + -marks on the cap, surgical mask and on the shirt. The tights reminded me of the color they use on scrubs, so I just decided they went well together.
I think we both look completely mental in the picture above. Not even that drunk.. I think. We went to a party where we were the first ones to arrive, which worked out cause we got to decide the music. And yes, there was definitely some zombiefied Gangnam Style going on. The whole room was covered in cobwebs and creepy, bleeding headless dolls. Also, everyone who worked there had dressed up as zombies. Definitely a fun night!
What did you dress up as on Halloween?