I recently decided to try some of the products which are from a company called SOAP AND GLORY. It's very likely that you've heard of them already, but I haven't tried their products before now. I think I spent at least half an hour, trying to decide what to buy. They have a lot of lotions, scrubs and soaps. But also a range of make up items, anti-aging creams and so on. I finally decided to get the body scrub 'Flake away' ($ 18), and the body lotion 'The righteous body butter' ($ 20). I bought them at Boots, but there's probably loads of stores that sell them..
THE FLAKE AWAY BODY SCRUB is a really nice and rough scrub that really does the job. And after rinsing your body and drying up, your skin doesn't feel dry and flakey, (which this part surprised me), it actually feels like you've put on moisturizer. It feels so soft and moisturized.THE RIGHTEOUS BODY BUTTER has stuff like shea and cocoa seed butters, sweet almond oils, peach and vanilla in it, which makes it smell sooo delicious. It's a nice and rich lotion to put on for example after taking a shower. Although if you scrub with the Flake away body scrub you technically don't need it.. But it's still nice, 'cause it makes your skin smell so jummy!
I liked the scrub and body lotion so muchthat I decided to get them for my mother as a christmas gift. Back at Boots I found this super cute pair of hand soap and hand lotion to keep by the sink. It was basically two for one ($ 18), so of course I couldn't resist the temptation! I have this bad habit of buying gifts for myself when I'm out shopping for christmas gifts to give to others. I don't think I'm alone in this... Right..? Anyhow, I haven't tried the soap and the hand lotion, but I'm guessing that they're just as nice as the scrub andbody lotion. And even if they're not, who the hell cares, they're just so darn cute to look at! And besides, I can always refill the containers with a different kind of soap.

I discovered these products and payed for them myself. I just think they're really nice when you consider the price, quality and of course the design on the products, which are so adorable! Each product name is a play on words which I think will make a darn cute addition to every bathroom.
In other news.. I'll try and get Classic Retro Glamour going again after New Year's, I've been getting loooads of emails with questions; 'When are you coming back??' And I'm sorry for not being the best at answering all your questions, I've just had a ton of things on my shoulders, such as work, new school and moving from my old apartment - to name a few. Thank you to everyone who's been subscribing and hanging in there with my absence! So, to sum up; no, not dead, just busy! But I really want to get going again, so I'll make it happen somehow!
And also, I hope everyone is enjoying Christmas, and spending time with people they love. Take the time to relax and don't freak out if you don't get anything done.. I'm pretty sure the world doesn't implode because of it.