Finally! I've got myself a J-O-B. Eventhough the headline makes me sound like a prostitue, the job is far from it! You're now looking at (...) H&M's new employee. I've worked there for about one week now, and I'm so happy with - everything! I like all my colleagues, (I've only discovered one possible b to the itch, and no, it's not me. So, hurray!) and it truly seems like a great and organized work enviroment. I'm noticing how much I appreciate efficient associates. Where I worked in the past, everything seemed to happen by chance. You'd have to cross both fingers and knees and just hope that the message to your boss (or others) got there safe and sound, and that whatever problem, got fixed. Long story short: Imagine the most confusing, chaotic and cluttered work place - well, H&M is exactly the opposite, and it's such a relief! At last, I feel I owe Lisa a big thanks for helping me with tips and tricks to get H&M hooked on my charm!