Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Working girl

Finally! I've got myself a J-O-B. Eventhough the headline makes me sound like a prostitue, the job is far from it! You're now looking at (...) H&M's new employee. I've worked there for about one week now, and I'm so happy with - everything! I like all my colleagues, (I've only discovered one possible b to the itch, and no, it's not me. So, hurray!) and it truly seems like a great and organized work enviroment. I'm noticing how much I appreciate efficient associates. Where I worked in the past, everything seemed to happen by chance. You'd have to cross both fingers and knees and just hope that the message to your boss (or others) got there safe and sound, and that whatever problem, got fixed. Long story short: Imagine the most confusing, chaotic and cluttered work place - well, H&M is exactly the opposite, and it's such a relief! At last, I feel I owe Lisa a big thanks for helping me with tips and tricks to get H&M hooked on my charm!

Monday, 8 February 2010

Diana Dors, darling!

Today is Diana Dors day. According to, me. If you don't know who Diana Dors was, well, guess what, you missed out! Aside from being sssteaming hhhot, she was a talented and charming actress who's career stretched from 1940 to the 1970's. Although I think her acting skills got put in the shadow since her extremely good looks took up most of the attention. I think the fact that she was English makes her even better, in many ways. She was often compared to Marilyn Monroe.. I resent that! Is it her fault that she's blond and bootylicious? Not that one should be offended when compared to Miss Monroe. Diana Dors was her own person and looked gorgeous being exactly that!

So in honour, if you will, of this lovely lady, I decided to do a hairstyle inspired by her classic Dors-look, which she wore almost in every occasion. I achieved this by using spongerollers for the back of the hair. I also did pin curls in the form of stand-up pin curls, and something that reminds of a skip wave for the sides. And yes, the two pictures are strategically placed together - edited mainly to fool you into thinking that my hair looks more like her's than what it really does (maybe). Ah yes, I'm cunning!

Okey. Blowing you a kiss! Catch it if you can!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Oh, glorious hairstyling

Well, here's just a tiny summary of some of the hairstyles I've attempted to achieve. Maybe they'll inspire someone else! Some of the styles I got from vintage starlets, others I put together myself. I can think of a thousand things I could've done better when I look at the pictures afterwards. What can I say, you live and learn!

This first style (three pictures) is one I experimented with on my own. I love the reversed victory roll, and I also like the idea of a Gibson girl roll (a toned down version). So I decided to do a variation of the two together. I'm trying a more horizontal victory roll here, with the "face" of the roll turning forward rather than up.. if that makes any sense. I find that this type of roll can be kind of scary, since you can end up looking a little weird if it's not done neatly. Maybe that's why I tend to prefer a more vertical placed victory roll. When it comes to the gibson roll, I like the concept. To create it I used a hair rat (or in my case a "cotton" rat, since I haven't made one out of my own hair. Anyway, these three pictures show the result. I started of with the victory rolls, then pulled the rest of the hair back around the hair rat. Voilà!

Victory rolls & gibson roll variation

The next two pictures are showing a hairstyle inspired by the lovely Ginger Rogers. I based this style off of a photo of her, so it's not by any means her signature style. I added the flowers, she didn't have any, but I almost think of them as mandatory. For this I used spongerollers, rolling off-base. You would probably wanna go with pincurls for this one, but lazy me!

For the pictures underneath the Rogers inspired hairdo, I experimented with a Cignon variation. This is probably the easiest of all the hairstyles I mention here. It doesn't require tightly precurled hair, which means there's no "stressful" brushing out-ritual. In the picture the style is done very loosely, but I personally would prefer it to be a little tighter. You would start of making 3-4 ponytails at the back of your hair. Then roll a series of relatively random rolls out of the several ponytails you've created.

Ginger Rogers inspired hairstyle

Cignon variation

Curly Pinup inspired hairstyle (Driben)

 The hairstyle in the two pictures above, are inspired by pinup-art by P. Driben. I absolutely love his work! The thing with this style is that it's difficult when you don't have layers in your hair - which I don't. The trick is also getting enough volume in the curls and keeping the crownarea flat. But it looks supercute! - both on shorter and longer hair.

e style next to last, is the vertically placed victory rolls which I've talked about earlier. No need to say this is one of my favourite vintage hairstyles. The last style is an attempt at the 50's bob. Or maybe I should call it the faux bob, cause I believe it's way to loose which makes it too long. I used ribbons which I tied under the hair for the 50's feel. Although I think I like the 40's tie on the top of the head just a tiny bit better.

Vertically placed victory rolls and a (faux) 50's bob